But some people want success to happen overnight

It doesn’t work like that. The road to success is paved with long hours and year after year of work. Talent alone doesn't cut it. A true desire to achieve success, whether as an "artist" or as an entrepreneur, means never approaching your work halfheartedly. We cannot focus on immediate wealth.
I just completed the training for my 10th marathon. I will be in Paris running it in a few days. I prepared for a year - short runs, long runs, hill training, physiotherapy, chiropractic, massage - along with the expected eating and sleeping that goes with it. I logged 917 miles to prepare.
It was hard at times. I was lonely on some days. My legs hurt, my IT band screamed for mercy and my feet have become used to having blisters on them. I train in Florida and the heat and humidity were my constant companion.
I started a business in the same time frame and it felt about the same. It has been hard at times, It has been lonely. I have stayed up late, got up early, and met with professionals for advice. But I alone had to do the work. Lots of work.
It was NOT lost on me that both activities had so much in common. You need the same work ethic to accomplish both feats: willingness to work hard. I created a plan for both these pieces of my life and I followed the plan. Planned the work. Worked the plan.
I am seeing business pick-up. I am seeing the fruit of my labor - I am in service to the most amazing clients anyone could ever ask for. I enjoy my days and the people in them. I am covering my expenses and am now paying myself a salary.
And, I am ready for my marathon. I have done the work and now it is time to enjoy the thrill of running with 50,000 people through one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I get a medal and memories that will last me for a life-time.
My running coaches me in my business by teaching the lesson of: hard work and perseverance pay off.
Stick with it.
What a year.