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As a Christian Fractional CFO and Financial Strategist, I provide financial counsel to service-based businesses earning between $1M and $10M to increase profitability, optimize cash flow management, and heighten financial confidence and clarity

About Me

My name is Diana Miret, and I need two things in my life (besides Jesus,  my beloved family and two Chihuahuas): Coffee and business books. Coffee keeps me alive, books keep me passionate. (My favorite business book is "The Road Less Stupid" by Keith Cunningham- you should give it a try!)

In my 35 years as an executive and CFO, I’ve helped hundreds of businesses reach 7 figure-profit and achieve the wealth needed to pursue what matters to them most, be it health, family, life, traveling, and more.

Today, as a fractional CFO, I provide financial counsel to service businesses earning between $1M and $10M to increase profitability, optimize cash flow management and heighten financial confidence and clarity.

I look forward to helping you do the same.


The Fractional CFO Service

Strategic Financial Guidance
Business Conference

Financial Health Assessment

It all starts with an in-depth Profit Assessment.  I analyze:


  • Bookkeeping

  • Chart of Accounts

  • Bank Accounts

  • Revenue Streams

  • Gross Margin Profitability

  • Net Income Profitability

  • 13-Month Trailing Trend

  • Financial Reporting

  • Owner's Compensation

A couple at a business meeting

Monthly Budgeting & Financial Forecasting

We provide a detailed 12-month spending plan to streamline financial decisions, boosting efficiency and clarity.  The service includes:


  • Financial Forecasting

  • Customized Annual Budget

  • Strategic Decision-making


It's for those make-or-break moments in the day-to-day operations of a business that require strategic financial guardrails.  I help you make those decisions by providing the right data at the right time.

Accounting Tasks

Monthly Financial CFO Service

On a monthly basis, I review the finances of the business with you.  We review trends, and anomalies and help interpret the numbers.


Our focus is the business' health.  I never lose sight of the fact that the company has a purpose and is the livelihood of dozens if not hundreds of people.


I know the owner's goals and work with him/her every month to make sure they are on track to attain them.

My Tool-Kit

Monthly / Bi-Weekly Indepth Strategy Calls

Proprietary Analysis Framework 

Certified fractional CFO

Certified Business Process Master

Certified Project Manager

KPI Tracking


Experience, at a fixed, affordable cost

The cost of hiring a full-time CFO can range from $175,000 to over $480,000 per year, plus vacations, bonuses, and other benefits. This cost can be significant for new and growing businesses.  A Fractional CFO can provide the following services: cash flow management, CPA and bookkeeper relationships, weekly company meetings, business forecasting, company-wide KPIs, and more, all at a fraction of the cost of a full-time CFO. 


My CFO service ranges from $2500 to $5000 per month, depending on the size of the business.


"So this just happened! My CPA called me to talk about making my payroll, FICA and Unemployment taxes and withholdings and something else but my eyes just glazed over!!

But when she asked me what was your income for the last 3 months and what was your personal and business expenses...I perked right up. I was like stand by let me run my numbers!!

Logged in to my Mint and ran the income and expense trends and gave the numbers lickety split!!!

I felt so freaking smart and savvy. Thanks, Diana. You are awesome!!"

Faith - Brand Strategist

"Do I think Diana is a miracle worker? You bet I do. I have recommended her and Profit First to so many people. I am still in awe as to how this turnaround happened. I don’t understand why this system works, but I don’t care. My bank accounts all show healthy balances, I’m paying myself, and I’m taking a twenty-three-day vacation with my husband in August.  Amazing!"

eCommerce Retailer

Luxurious Garden

"You have changed my business and my life.

I never understood my numbers or the impact they have on my life and business.

I don't know where I would be without your help."

Real Estate Developer

Let's Work Together!

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