I love entreprenuers because, by my definition, they are positive and determined. I can't think of any other kind of people I would rather work with or BE!
You will never see a successful entrepreneur who is negative or does not believe in what they do. Those are only two of the many inherent qualities of an entrepreneur.
1 – BUSINESS FOCUSED : profit-oriented, plans for growth, clear goals, alignment with business tight operations
2 – CONFIDENCE : self-awareness, conviction in ability to succeed, action- oriented, proactive
3 – CREATIVE THINKER : firing off many ideas, curious, quick learner, exploratory, imaginative, alert
4 – DELEGATOR : collaborates, recognizes and draws on people’s abilities, encourages team contribution
5 – DETERMINATION : persistent, eager to act, confronts obstacles, not deterred by roadblocks
6 – INDEPENDENT : resolute, faith in self, multi-tasking, responsible, multiple competencies, ‘can do’
7 – KNOWLEDGE-SEEKER : anticipates and uses knowledge, drives for in-depth information, knowledge as an asset
8 – PROMOTER : communicator, speaks boldly, storyteller, ambassador, persuasive, enthusiastic
9 – RELATIONSHIP-BUILDER : mutually-beneficial links inside and outside workplace, open, socially aware, integrity
10 – RISK-TAKER : optimistic, rational decisions, charismatic, confident, will to win, can deal with complexity